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Sharon Luzky
Beer Sheva, Israel
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Updated 07/16/2024
Project Poster | Improvement of Polystyrene Nano-Spheres Density and Uniformity of Mechanical Organization on PDMS Substrates

Lotem Kitaroo and Sharon Luzky

This project involves the study of polyspherene nanospheres deposited on PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) samples. The PDMS samples have undergone a mechanical rubbing process for various durations to create surface patterns. Following this, the samples were subjected to a sputtering process in a clean room environment to coat them with polyspherene nanospheres. The primary objective of the project is to achieve a dense and uniform layer of polyspherene nanospheres on the PDMS substrates. This dense coating is crucial for the intended applications of these nanospheres in fields such as nanoelectronics, biomedical devices, and surface coatings. Despite the systematic approach, the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) images reveal that the polyspherene nanospheres are not achieving the desired dense packing. Instead, the nanospheres appear to be sparsely distributed, with noticeable gaps between them, which undermines the effectiveness and uniformity required for their applications.