Updated 07/16/2024

Use of solar energy directly for household needs (without converting into electricity) Student: Ophir Arad

Functional Modeling #

The system is a non-electric solar harvesting and storing system.

its componentes is the solar harvsting systems, any heat extraction method, and heat storing methods.

the product is usable non electric energy, and its 'by products' or 'using compomemts' are the way of usage of the non electric energy.

Operational Effectiveness – OE



OE 1.55
Operational Perfectness - OP

Basic functions



OP 0.21
Functional rank
Problematic rank
PVT system
Thermal exchange unit (convection system)
PV modules
Solar Thermal collector
Thermal Storage System (residential or district)
Batteries (Li-ion and such)
residential heating/cooling - heat pumps or district heating
No impact
activation of the condenser unit of an AC/heat pump with steam
No impact
more efficient and cheap energy usage, avoiding energy curtailment, decreasing the load and dependency on the electricity grid
No impact

it seems that PVT is the ultimate residential energy harvesting system because of its functionality to charge several systems, or use the energy directly, and the positive coexistence of the system's elements (PV and heat extractionwhich both contribute to eachothers efficiency).

Jun 3 2023 11:45:22 am
Effective Brainstorming #

The system is the household system. it contains many sub-systems - which are the appliances used in a daily basis in the house.

most of those subsystems are powered by electricity.

but some of them could be powered by other sources such as heat, steam, light or hydrogen.

all of these sources could be attained from the solar energy, directly or after a conversion process.

in this brainstorming i will try to think about innovative ways to use the heating of the sun.

using the heat stored to form hot air/steam
Jun 11 2023 7:20:45 pm
using the steam/hot air for powering a condenser unit/heating the refrigerant fluid - eventually powering a AC/heat pump.
Jun 11 2023 7:28:13 pm
using the heat stored for alternative heat source for a controllable kosher water heating method for shabbes
Jun 11 2023 7:16:41 pm
using the heat formed in the heating storage as a heat source for residential heating systems
Jun 11 2023 7:25:53 pm
using the hot air to easilly fill tires when needed
Jun 11 2023 7:35:58 pm
ImplementationEasyValidationNot Easy
using the heat stored for alternative heat source for cooking
Jun 11 2023 7:07:53 pm
ImplementationNot EasyValidationNot Easy
using the steam/air formed form the heat stored to power a generator
Jun 11 2023 7:32:52 pm
Jun 5 2023 10:40:05 am
Inventive principles #
Concentrated Solar Power systems would be built for each home
each houshold would have the abilitiy to harvest solar generated heat
those systems requires lots of space and they are expensive. they are more afficient and enable better storage when incorporated in large scale with many mirrors so the reciever's temprature would be highest.
Contradiction notes:
it might seem that its not the ideal solution for home systems.
Improving parameter
Description of what is improving:
flexibility in energy generation and storage depends on the single users consumption and needs.
Selected improving parameter:
Adaptability or versatility
Worsening parameter
Description of what is worsening:
best prefereed in large scales
Selected worsening parameter:
Loss of energy
Matching principles:
  • 1
  • 15
  • 18
    Mechanical vibration
  • Jun 7 2023 6:37:43 pm
    Round - Robin Ranking #
    converting solar energy to thermal energy, and storing it with sand "heat battery"
    converting solar energy to thermal energy, and storing it with brick/rock "heat battery"
    converting solar energy to thermal energy, and storing it with a tank of phase change metarials (PCM)
    converting solar energy to thermal energy, and storing it with molten salt tank
    converting solar energy to watter splitting, and store hydrogen for later use
    converting solar energy to thermal energy, and storing it with Thermochemical energy storage.
    converting solar energy to thermal energy, and storing it with hot water tank
    converting solar energy to thermal energy, and storing it with hot air
    Jun 8 2023 8:30:20 pm
    Inventive principles #
    the residential rooftop area would be used for PV systems, there would be more electrical output for a single household.
    there will be more electrical energy input.
    theres a possibility of curtailment of the energy harvested in daytimes, and overloading of the electrical grid.
    Improving parameter
    Description of what is improving:
    the area of the roof would be only utilized for PV, which in turn lead to higher electricity output.
    Selected improving parameter:
    Area of stationary object
    Worsening parameter
    Description of what is worsening:
    there won't be an other form of energy harvested for the household. solar heat wont be extracted at all. moreover, if energy storage is wanted, there will be a need for batteries, which can be pricy, not that effective, and degrade quickly.
    Selected worsening parameter:
    Loss of energy
    Matching principles:
  • 7
    Nesting dolls
  • 17
    Another dimension
  • 30
    Flexible shells and thin films
  • Jun 10 2023 11:21:40 am
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    Anatoly Agulyansky avatar

    Anatoly Agulyansky


    Very good analysis and solutions. Your idea to transfer a solar light through a glass fiber for lighting within houses is excellent. Many thanks.

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