Updated 07/16/2024

Evaluating/estimating corrosion test specimen

There were several suggestions for solving the problem:

  • Finding the amount of corrosion by transmitting a light wave and checking the swallowed wavelengths, and comparing swallowed wavelengths before and after using the dust remover.

  • Do a polarization experiment(polarization curve corrosion), for the specimen before using the dust remover and after:

Polarization is the change of potential from a stabilized state, from the open-circuit electrode potential as the result of the passage of current. It also refers to the change in the potential of an electrode during electrolysis, such that the potential of an anode becomes more noble, and that of a cathode more active, than their respective reversible potentials. Often accomplished by the formation of a film on the electrode surface.

the Polarization Curve for the 1008 steel will be somewhere in the green circle; it will look like the Mg curve but with a higher potential at the passivation area. The resulting current is proportional to the amount of surface exposed to rust, i.e. "clean" surface, Then divide the primary Current by the second Current

  • Weight loss: to corrode the specimen, after corroding it weigh it(m0), use the rust remover, weigh the specimen again(m1), and then divide m1 by m0, thereby the percentage of the amount of corrosion removed will be obtained.
  • Galvanic electrochemical cell experiment: An electrochemical cell constructed of a Pb electrode (cathode) and an iron electrode (anode), Initially measure the initial current result and divide by after current (after using the rust remover), after that 100*(result) --> completion. the current can be fined by Faraday's law.

  • The first image shows the specimen before the corrosion test, which is the initial step in the project, and the second image after shows the model after doing the corroding experiment.

  • The first picture shows the specimen when it is inserted in a rust remover, and in the second picture the final result, after a quarter of an hour of the immersion the oxidized specimen in the rust remover. a great result.

  • A picture of the rust remover solution.