Updated 07/21/2024

Metal to Metal-Halide Perovskites. By Layla Khateeb, Aviv Dahari.

Studying the effects of temperature variations: Optimize the conversion process.

Details, value & risks

Details: This idea involves analyzing how temperature changes impact the conversion of metal films to halide perovskites. By fine-tuning the temperature parameters, researchers aim to enhance the efficiency and quality of the conversion process.

Value: Optimizing temperature can significantly improve the quality of perovskite crystals, enhance reproducibility, reduce toxicity, improve energy efficiency, and facilitate scalability, leading to better solar energy conversion.

Risks: Potential risks include the need for precise temperature control, increased energy consumption, and possible regulatory compliance issues.

Aviv Dahari avatar
Aviv Dahari
Jun 26 2024 4:24:27 pm

*Exploring vapor-phase reactions for Bromine treatment: Control halogen distribution.

Details, value & risks

Details: This idea focuses on using vapor-phase reactions to control the distribution of bromine during the halide perovskite conversion process. This method aims to achieve more uniform and controlled halogen incorporation.

Value: Vapor-phase reactions can improve the uniformity and quality of the final product, leading to better performance in solar cells and other applications.

Risks: The method may require specialized equipment and handling, posing moderate costs and balanced risks due to potential chemical reactivity and regulatory compliance.

Aviv Dahari avatar
Aviv Dahari
Jun 26 2024 4:22:58 pm

Implementing a preliminary anti-action step: Prepare the substrate surface.

Details, value & risks

Details: This idea involves adding a preliminary step to prepare the substrate surface before the conversion process, aiming to improve adhesion and overall process efficiency.

Value: Proper substrate preparation can enhance the efficiency and quality of the conversion process, leading to more consistent and reliable results.

Risks: This step incurs moderate costs for additional preparation and carries low risk due to the straightforward nature of substrate preparation methods.

Aviv Dahari avatar
Aviv Dahari
Jun 26 2024 4:26:30 pm

Studying the impact of film thickness variations: Determine optimal thickness for quality.

Details, value & risks

Details: This idea focuses on analyzing how variations in film thickness affect the quality of halide perovskite films to identify the optimal thickness for maximum efficiency and performance.

Value: Determining the optimal film thickness can lead to significant improvements in the quality and efficiency of the final product, enhancing its applicability in solar cells.

Risks: The process involves minimal costs and risks, primarily related to adjusting film thickness and ensuring consistency.

Aviv Dahari avatar
Aviv Dahari
Jun 26 2024 4:26:39 pm

Applying localized gold coatings: Reduce costs.

Details, value & risks

Details: This idea involves applying gold coatings only to specific areas rather than the entire surface, aiming to reduce the overall cost of the process.

Value: Localized application of gold coatings can lead to substantial cost savings while maintaining the necessary conductivity and performance.

Risks: Moderate costs are associated with precision application methods, but the overall risk is low due to controlled application areas.

Aviv Dahari avatar
Aviv Dahari
Jun 26 2024 4:23:50 pm
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Anatoly Agulyansky avatar

Anatoly Agulyansky


Excellent analysis, a lot of ideas generated from 40 Inventive Principles, Functional Model seems very detailed.

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