Updated 02/28/2025

Abdelrahman Nashed - Strategic Problem Evaluation

Current situation

In the event of a global conflict (World War III) leading to Egypt's isolation from international markets and resources, businesses and citizens will face critical challenges in sustaining essential needs such as food, energy, communication, and financial stability. To address this, there is an urgent need for an application-based solution that ensures economic resilience, local resource optimization, and crisis management. This solution should leverage innovative strategies like the 9 Window Model, Effective Brainstorming, and Action Preventing Action to develop a sustainable business model that transforms this crisis into an opportunity.


High Initial Development Cost – Requires significant investment in infrastructure, security, and technology to build a robust and scalable platform.

Adoption & Awareness Challenges – Users may resist shifting to a new economic model, requiring extensive education and awareness campaigns.

Cybersecurity Risks – In times of war, digital platforms become prime targets for cyberattacks, demanding strong security protocols.

Dependence on Electricity & Internet – A major conflict might disrupt power and internet services, limiting the application's accessibility.

Government & Regulatory Barriers – Government restrictions, bureaucracy, or lack of digital policy frameworks could slow down implementation.

Technological Literacy Gap – Some segments of the population, especially in rural areas, may struggle to use digital platforms efficiently.

Scalability & Infrastructure Limitations – Ensuring smooth performance under heavy usage during crises could be a challenge.

Potential Exploitation & Misuse – Without strict regulations, users might manipulate the system for personal gain (e.g., hoarding resources, inflating digital currency).

Uncertainty of Post-War Relevance – While the app could be useful during wartime, its long-term adoption and sustainability beyond the crisis remain uncertain.

Ideal final result

The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a self-sustaining, crisis-resilient digital ecosystem that ensures Egypt’s economic stability, resource security, and social well-being in the event of global conflict and isolation.


To reach the Ideal Final Result, several gaps must be addressed. Technological infrastructure limitations may hinder large-scale adoption, requiring decentralized and offline-capable solutions. Energy and internet dependency pose a risk during crises, necessitating backup power and alternative communication networks. The economic model transition from a global trade-dependent system to a localized digital ecosystem presents challenges in acceptance and implementation. Cybersecurity and data privacy risks increase during wartime, demanding strong encryption and fraud detection mechanisms. Public adoption and digital literacy could be barriers, especially in rural areas, requiring user-friendly designs and educational campaigns. Government and regulatory barriers might slow adoption, making collaboration with policymakers essential. Lastly, scalability and resource management must be optimized to handle fluctuating demand efficiently. Overcoming these gaps will ensure the system is resilient, secure, and capable of supporting Egypt’s economy during and beyond the crisis.

Problem statement

To move closer to the ideal final result, the key problem is to ensure Egypt’s economic and social stability in the event of a global conflict and isolation.

Building a Crisis-Resilient Digital Ecosystem – Developing a decentralized application that enables secure communication, trade, and resource distribution despite disruptions in global supply chains and financial systems.

Ensuring Alternative Economic Sustainability – Creating a reliable barter system or digital currency to maintain trade and transactions without traditional banking infrastructure.

Securing Critical Infrastructure & Cybersecurity – Protecting digital platforms from cyber threats and ensuring accessibility despite potential internet or power outages.

Encouraging Public Adoption & Usability – Designing a user-friendly system that accommodates all demographics, including those with limited digital literacy.

Overcoming Government & Regulatory Barriers – Gaining approval and collaboration from policymakers to integrate the solution into Egypt’s national crisis management strategy.

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