Anatoly Agulyansky avatar
Anatoly Agulyansky
Lehavim, Israel
PRIZ Guru Inc.
Updated 07/16/2024
Project Poster | Vacuum cleaner problem

The vacuum cleaner problem is an excellent example showing how to manage and resolve excursion - unexpected deviation from normal operation. Read, learn and use the platform for resolving of your excursions.

Updated 07/16/2024
Project Poster | Time-depending yield degradation at microchip manufacturing

The project was dedicated to production yield improvement in microchip manufacturing. The bumps are created on the top of a wafer and used for the final test of all dies. Only good dies are taken for the packaging. All dies that fail the test will be scrapped. The process yield depends on the amount of "good" and "bad" dies. It was revealed that in some cases, the time between the end of the process and the final test impacts the yield. The longer the dwelling, the more dies fail the final test. If the dwelling exceeds hundreds of hours, the amount of failed dies becomes dramatically high, which results in the scrapping of the whole wafer. The problem was analyzed and solved.

Updated 07/16/2024
Project Poster | Why a fine wafer filter can result in problems

The number of particles is a critical parameter for microchip manufacturing. Each, even a very small particle, can potentially destroy a die. Therefore filters are widely used. Water is always filtered through fine filters to reduce the number of particles. Nevertheless, if the filter is too fine, it could cause a problem. This issue was investigated with the help of Functional Modeling. Possible solutions were generated using 40 Inventive Principles.

Updated 07/16/2024
Project Poster | Laundry clothes - example for PFM Webinar #10

The project aims to analyze the washing, drying, and ironing of clothes. Use Process Functional Modeling for the analysis. This is an example of how to use Process Functional Modeling and see this tool's power.