
Here's what's popular on Priz.guru

Updated 07/21/2024
Project Poster | Converting Metal to Metal-Halide Perovskites
By : Layla Khateeb and Aviv Dahari.

This project aims to develop an efficient and reproducible method for synthesizing perovskites from metals with halides. The focus will be on addressing material synthesis challenges, ensuring scalability from laboratory to industrial production, optimizing the physical and chemical properties, and minimizing the environmental impact.

Updated 07/16/2024
Project Poster | Evaluating/estimating corrosion test specimen -   
Maisam Nassar  ,Email: maisamn0304@gmail.com

The aim of the project is to evaluate the amount of removed corrosion on a cold-rolled steel 1008 specimen after the use of a rust remover.

Updated 07/16/2024
Project Poster | Magnetic PDMS micro-pillars

In past decades, polymeric micropillar devices have gained a great deal of attention in micro and nano technology research as the result of their potential and practical usage in many applications. This project is going to deal with the process of how to fabricate the magnetic micropillars, from the beginning – the planning and design, improving the existing process, lithography to create the base silicon mold and then creating the PDMS pillars that contains nano magnetic particles of Fe_3 O_4, the process today is not efficient enough in terms of cost and time and we are wishing to improve it, in the end we will have a device with micro-pillars that can move correspondingly to external magnetic field which will help us to do many advanced experiments in the biology field like using the device for cell stimulation.

Updated 07/16/2024
Project Poster | Speeding up CI/CD processes

In our company, the CI/CD processes are very long (over 2 hours). Since this is a blocking step in the release flow it causes holdups of our fast-paced releases. Eventually, we are getting a backlog of unreleased features, which could be mitigated by releasing many things at once, but that comes with additional risks.

Updated 07/16/2024
Project Poster | Finding a solution to the bubbles that are created during welding in Aluminum.

sahar gordo levin
shaked cohen farjon

Aluminum is common material used in the welding industry due to its suitable properties, Although aluminum welding generally has disadvantages. One of these weaknesses is the formation of porosity, which will affect the welded joint's mechanical properties. porosity is formed due to two mechanisms, shrinkage porosity caused by shrinkage during the metal solidification process and gas porosity caused by air trapping and undissolved hydrogen. The welding process often produces gases such as hydrogen, carbon dioxide and steam. During welding, the metal goes into a liquid state and then cools at a rapid rate. because In a liquid there is a higher solubility of a gas than in a solid, This may trap gases inside the material and create bubbles when the welding takes place. n order to minimize the problems with the porosity of the material due to welding, it is necessary to control the speed of the process, thermal gradient, dynamics of melt pool flow and solidification. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, we use laser beam welding.